個人情報保護方針【プライバシーポリシー 】
Privacy Policy
株式会社 精クリエイティブ(以下、当社)は、個人情報及び特定個人情報(個人番号及び個人番号をその内容に含む
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Show Creative Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Show Creative") shall not use personal information and specified personal information (personal numbers and personal information that includes personal numbers in its contents) (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Personal Information, etc.") for any purpose other than the following. (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Personal Information, etc.") (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") has established and complies with the following privacy policies regarding the handling of personal information and specified personal information (personal information that includes personal numbers and personal numbers) (hereinafter collectively referred to as "personal information, etc."), and declares that the Company will handle all personal information, etc. including personal information, etc. of all persons who provide personal information to the Company, including business partners (hereinafter referred to as "the individual"), in a secure and appropriate manner.
This Privacy Policy sets forth our basic guidelines regarding the protection of personal information, etc., in the recognition that it is our important responsibility as a market research business and a planning company for On-Site Insight® to read consumers' lifestyles and times, and to appropriately protect all personal information, etc., that we obtain and use.
In handling personal information, etc., we will comply with the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information," the "Act on the Use of Identification Number to Identify Specific Individuals in Administrative Procedures," and other related laws, regulations, guidelines, and this Privacy Policy.
- 当社営業担当者との面談、名刺交換等により個人情報をご提供いただく場合(各種イベント、フェア、セミナー等を含む)、
- 生活者のライフスタイルや時代の潮流を読み解く為のマーケティングリソースとして、ご本人を識別できない状態
We collect and use personal information for marketing activities such as target awareness/lifestyle surveys and brand image surveys.
Personal information shall be acquired in an appropriate and fair manner, and unless otherwise permitted by law, the purpose of use shall be clearly indicated or announced in advance to the person concerned, or notified or announced promptly after acquisition.
The scope of personal information acquired by the Company shall not exceed the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of such use.
When acquiring personal information requiring special consideration, we shall obtain the prior consent of the individual to whom the information pertains, except in cases in which the handling of the information is permitted as an exception under laws and regulations.
However, we may omit presenting the purpose of use in the following cases
- In cases where personal information is provided through interviews with our sales representatives, exchange of business cards, etc. (including various events, fairs, seminars, etc.), the information may be used to introduce our products and services by e-mail or direct mail, to provide various information, and for marketing activities including face-to-face sales unless the individual has refused to provide such information.
- We may use this information as a marketing resource to decipher consumer lifestyles and current trends in a manner that does not allow identification of the individual (as anonymously processed information).
We will use personal information, etc. within the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of use stipulated in the preceding paragraph, except in cases where exceptions are permitted by law.
To prevent leakage, falsification, loss, or use of personal information, etc. for other than the intended purpose, we will take necessary and appropriate security control measures for the management of such personal information, etc. We will also supervise our employees and contractors who handle personal information, etc. as necessary and appropriate. In addition, we will exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over our employees and contractors who handle personal information, etc.
With regard to safety control measures for personal information, etc., we will strictly manage personal information, etc., by educating and thoroughly training each employee to be aware of the protection of personal information in accordance with related laws, guidelines, and our internal rules and regulations.
We will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties other than subcontractors, joint-use companies business successors, and specified personal information to third parties other than subcontractors without the consent of the individual, except in cases where such disclosure or provision is permitted as an exception by law, and we will not disclose or provide specified personal information to third parties other than subcontractors, except in cases where such disclosure or provision is required by law.
If you request us to disclose, correct, etc. (meaning correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, erasure, or suspension of provision to a third party) your personal data or specified personal information file, we will respond to your request in accordance with the provisions of the law. (meaning correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, erasure, or suspension of provision to third parties), we will respond to such requests in accordance with the provisions of the law.
株式会社 精クリエイティブ 個人情報保護担当
電話番号: 047-348-3696 E メールアドレス: privacy@showcre.com
For inquiries regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact the following
Show Creative Corporation, Personal Information Protection Officer
Telephone number: 047-348-3696 E-Mail Address: privacy@showcre.com
平成17年2月1日 制定
令和元年11月1日 改定
February 1, 2005 Established.
November 1, 2019 Revised.